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ZIP Code Database - Facts & Stats

Data Last Updated: March 1, 2025

Vermont ZIP Codes

Timezone(s): All Time Zones found within this State. In the United States, there are 7 standard time zones which are, from west to east: Hawaii-Aleutian, Alaska, Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic. Also included in U.S. Territories are Samoa, Guam and Palau. The alignment between ZIP codes and time zones is not perfect. A single time zone can cover multiple ZIP codes, and, conversely, a single ZIP code could theoretically span across multiple time zones, although this is quite rare.Eastern (GMT -05:00)
Population: The total Population for Vermont, taken from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. This population total includes all people residing in Vermont and counts them regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Included are U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, temporary migrants, and undocumented workers. The total population represents people who live in the state, not just those present on the day of the census. State Population is critical in determining political representation, funding allocation, planning and policy-making, and demographic analysis.643,077 (More Details)
Male Population: The sum of all males for Vermont from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The male population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.317,173
Female Population: The sum of all females for Vermont from the 2020 U.S. Census DP1. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The female population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.325,904
Median Age: The median age of the total population of this state. Median age is not a future prediction, it is the actual number from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger.44
ZIP Codes: The total number of ZIP Codes which at least partially fall inside the state of Vermont. Did you know that approximately 23% of ZIP Codes cross county lines? Several even cross State lines. ZIP Codes do not follow other geographic boundaries because they were created exclusively for the expedient delivery of mail.308
Cities: The total number of City names which are associated with ZIP Codes that partially or wholly cross into Vermont. Alongside the official city name, USPS also recognizes certain alternate names for cities or towns that can be used in mailing addresses. These may include towns, villages, abbreviations, names in other languages, or names that have been commonly used historically.286
Counties: The total number of counties associated with ZIP Codes that are at least partially part of Vermont.14
Area Codes: The total number of Area Codes associated with ZIP Codes in Vermont. Area codes are used in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) to facilitate phone routing. Each area code identifies a specific geographic area (usually part of a state or territory) and allows calls to be routed to the correct area. There are approximately 350 area codes in use in the United States.1
Total Area: The approximate amount of area covered by Vermont in square miles. This includes all land and water areas within the legal state boundaries.9,616 square miles
Land Area: Approximate area of land covered by Vermont in square miles. Land area data provided by the Census Bureau are based on geographic boundaries that include the mainland, islands, inland, coastal, Great Lakes, and territorial waters associated with each state. Land area is important in many types of statistical analysis. For example, population density, the number of people per unit of land area, is a commonly used statistic based on this data. Land area measurements are also important for urban planning, environmental studies, and economic analysis. 9,217 square miles
Water Area: The approximate amount of water area covered by Vermont in square miles. Calculations for water area take into account inland bodies of water, coastal regions, Great Lakes, and territorial sea waters. This encompasses features such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and coastal water bodies. Water surface data are especially important for environmental and conservation planning, water resource management, transportation, and recreational planning.399 square miles
Map showing the ZIP Codes in the State of Vermont

Vermont Covers 308 ZIP Codes

ZIP CodeCityCountyType
ZIP Code 05001White River JunctionWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05009White River JunctionWindsorUnique
ZIP Code 05030AscutneyWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05031BarnardWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05032BethelWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05033BradfordOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05034BridgewaterWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05035Bridgewater CornersWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05036BrookfieldOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05037BrownsvilleWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05038ChelseaOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05039CorinthOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05040East CorinthOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05041East RandolphOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05042East RyegateCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05043East ThetfordOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05045FairleeOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05046GrotonCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05047HartfordWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05048HartlandWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05049Hartland Four CornersWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05050Mc Indoe FallsCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05051NewburyOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05052North HartlandWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05053North PomfretWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05054North ThetfordOrangeP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05055NorwichWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05056PlymouthWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05058Post MillsOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05059QuecheeWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05060RandolphOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05061Randolph CenterOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05062ReadingWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05065SharonWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05067South PomfretWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05068South RoyaltonWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05069South RyegateCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05070South StraffordOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05071South WoodstockWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05072StraffordOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05073TaftsvilleWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05074ThetfordOrangeP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05075Thetford CenterOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05076TopshamOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05077TunbridgeOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05079VershireOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05081Wells RiverOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05083West FairleeOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05084West HartfordWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05085West NewburyOrangeP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05086West TopshamOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05088WilderWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05089WindsorWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05091WoodstockWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05101Bellows FallsWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05141CambridgeportWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05142CavendishWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05143ChesterWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05146GraftonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05148LondonderryWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05149LudlowWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05150North SpringfieldWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05151PerkinsvilleWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05152PeruBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05153ProctorsvilleWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05154Saxtons RiverWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05155South LondonderryWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05156SpringfieldWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05158WestminsterWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05159Westminster StationWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05161WestonWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05201BenningtonBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05250ArlingtonBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05251DorsetBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05252East ArlingtonBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05253East DorsetBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05254ManchesterBenningtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05255Manchester CenterBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05257North BenningtonBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05260North PownalBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05261PownalBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05262ShaftsburyBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05301BrattleboroWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05302BrattleboroWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05303BrattleboroWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05304BrattleboroWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05340BondvilleBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05341East DoverWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05342JacksonvilleWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05343JamaicaWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05344MarlboroWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05345NewfaneWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05346PutneyWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05350ReadsboroBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05351South NewfaneWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05352StamfordBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05353TownshendWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05354VernonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05355WardsboroWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05356West DoverWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05357West DummerstonWindhamP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05358West HalifaxWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05359West TownshendWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05360West WardsboroWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05361WhitinghamWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05362WilliamsvilleWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05363WilmingtonWindhamStandard
ZIP Code 05401BurlingtonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05402BurlingtonChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05403South BurlingtonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05404WinooskiChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05405BurlingtonChittendenUnique
ZIP Code 05406BurlingtonChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05407South BurlingtonChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05408BurlingtonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05439ColchesterChittendenUnique
ZIP Code 05440AlburghGrand IsleStandard
ZIP Code 05441BakersfieldFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05442Belvidere CenterLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05443BristolAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05444CambridgeLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05445CharlotteChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05446ColchesterChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05447East BerkshireFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05448East FairfieldFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05449ColchesterChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05450Enosburg FallsFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05451EssexChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05452Essex JunctionChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05453Essex JunctionChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05454FairfaxFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05455FairfieldFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05456FerrisburghAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05457FranklinFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05458Grand IsleGrand IsleStandard
ZIP Code 05459Highgate CenterFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05460Highgate SpringsFranklinP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05461HinesburgChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05462HuntingtonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05463Isle La MotteGrand IsleStandard
ZIP Code 05464JeffersonvilleLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05465JerichoChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05466JonesvilleChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05468MiltonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05469MonktonAddisonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05470MontgomeryFranklinP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05471Montgomery CenterFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05472New HavenAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05473North FerrisburghAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05474North HeroGrand IsleStandard
ZIP Code 05476RichfordFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05477RichmondChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05478Saint AlbansFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05479Essex JunctionFranklinUnique
ZIP Code 05481Saint Albans BayFranklinP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05482ShelburneChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05483SheldonFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05485Sheldon SpringsFranklinP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05486South HeroGrand IsleStandard
ZIP Code 05487StarksboroAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05488SwantonFranklinStandard
ZIP Code 05489UnderhillChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05490Underhill CenterChittendenP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05491VergennesAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05492WatervilleLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05494WestfordChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05495WillistonChittendenStandard
ZIP Code 05601MontpelierWashingtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05602MontpelierWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05603MontpelierWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05604MontpelierWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05609MontpelierWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05620MontpelierWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05633MontpelierWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05640AdamantWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05641BarreWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05647CabotWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05648CalaisWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05649East BarreWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05650East CalaisWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05651East MontpelierWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05652EdenLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05653Eden MillsLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05654GranitevilleWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05655Hyde ParkLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05656JohnsonLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05657Lake ElmoreLamoilleP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05658MarshfieldWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05660MoretownWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05661MorrisvilleLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05662MoscowLamoilleP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05663NorthfieldWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05664Northfield FallsWashingtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05665North Hyde ParkLamoilleP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05666North MontpelierWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05667PlainfieldWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05669RoxburyWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05670South BarreWashingtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05671WaterburyWashingtonUnique
ZIP Code 05672StoweLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05673WaitsfieldWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05674WarrenWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05675WashingtonOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05676WaterburyWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05677Waterbury CenterWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05678WebstervilleWashingtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05679WilliamstownOrangeStandard
ZIP Code 05680WolcottLamoilleStandard
ZIP Code 05681WoodburyWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05682WorcesterWashingtonStandard
ZIP Code 05701RutlandRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05702RutlandRutlandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05730BelmontRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05731BensonRutlandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05732BomoseenRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05733BrandonRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05734BridportAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05735CastletonRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05736Center RutlandRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05737ChittendenRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05738CuttingsvilleRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05739DanbyRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05740East MiddleburyAddisonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05741East PoultneyRutlandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05742East WallingfordRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05743Fair HavenRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05744FlorenceRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05745Forest DaleRutlandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05746GaysvilleWindsorP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05747GranvilleAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05748HancockAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05750HydevilleRutlandP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05751KillingtonRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05753MiddleburyAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05757Middletown SpringsRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05758Mount HollyRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05759North ClarendonRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05760OrwellAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05761PawletRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05762PittsfieldRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05763PittsfordRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05764PoultneyRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05765ProctorRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05766RiptonAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05767RochesterWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05768RupertBenningtonP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05769SalisburyAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05770ShorehamAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05772StockbridgeWindsorStandard
ZIP Code 05773WallingfordRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05774WellsRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05775West PawletRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05776West RupertBenningtonStandard
ZIP Code 05777West RutlandRutlandStandard
ZIP Code 05778WhitingAddisonStandard
ZIP Code 05819Saint JohnsburyCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05820AlbanyOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05821BarnetCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05822BartonOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05823Beebe PlainOrleansP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05824ConcordEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05825CoventryOrleansP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05826CraftsburyOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05827Craftsbury CommonOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05828DanvilleCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05829DerbyOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05830Derby LineOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05832East BurkeCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05833East CharlestonOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05836East HardwickCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05837East HavenEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05838East Saint JohnsburyCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05839GloverOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05840GranbyEssexP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05841GreensboroOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05842Greensboro BendOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05843HardwickCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05845IrasburgOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05846Island PondEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05847LowellOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05848Lower WaterfordCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05849LyndonCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05850Lyndon CenterCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05851LyndonvilleCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05853MorganOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05855NewportOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05857Newport CenterOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05858North ConcordEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05859North TroyOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05860OrleansOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05861PassumpsicCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05862PeachamCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05863Saint Johnsbury CenterCaledoniaP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05866SheffieldCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05867SuttonCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05868TroyOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05871West BurkeCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05872West CharlestonOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05873West DanvilleCaledoniaStandard
ZIP Code 05874WestfieldOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05875BartonOrleansStandard
ZIP Code 05901AverillEssexP.O. Box
ZIP Code 05902Beecher FallsEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05903CanaanEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05904GilmanEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05905GuildhallEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05906LunenburgEssexStandard
ZIP Code 05907NortonEssexStandard

Vermont Demographic Information

Total population of for Vermont: Total Population from the 2020 Census. This reflects the exact population of the geographic area at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. It is intended to count all persons living within the geographic area, not just those present on the day of the census.643,077
Male population of for Vermont: The Male Population from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The Male Population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.317,173
Female population of for Vermont: The Female Population from the 2020 Census. This is not a forecast for the future, but an exact count for this geographic area at the time of the Census. Each respondent self-identified their gender on the survey, as they were asked to indicate their gender assigned at birth. The Female Population information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development.325,904
Median age (years): The Median Age of the Total Population from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. Median age is not a future prediction, it is the actual calculated age from the 2020 Census. Median age is the middle age of the population. Half the population is older than the average age and half is younger. Median Age can relate how young or old a geographic area is compared to others. If one area is 44 and the other is 40, then the first are is an average of 4 years older.43.5
White Population: The White Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The numbers for the White Population are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including White. This count includes all who selected White/Caucasian in their response, even if they selected another race as well.577,751
Black Population: The Black Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The numbers for the Black Population are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Black or African American. This count includes all who selected Black or African American in their response, even if they selected another race as well.9,034
Indian Population: The American Indian and Alaska Native Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and not estimates for the future. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including American Indian and Alaska Native. This count includes all who selected American Indian and Alaska Native in their response, even if they selected another race as well.2,289
Asian Population: The Asian Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area, not future projections. On the U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Chinese, Filipino, Asian Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, or Other Asian. This count includes all who selected one of these options in their response, even if they selected another race as well.11,549
Hawaiian Population: The Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and are not future projections. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were asked to check all races which applied to them, including Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. This count includes all who selected either Hawaiian or Pacific Islander in their response, even if they selected another race as well.181
Hispanic Population: The Hispanic Population is an exact count from the 2020 Census for this geographic area and is not an estimate or future projection. On the 2020 U.S. Census questionnaire, people were first asked for their Ethnicity, including if they were from Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin, including Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other ethnic origin. This count includes all who affirmed that they were part of this ethnic origin. Respondents who selected this option were also asked to select a race separately and would be counted once in this number as well as the race they chose as well. From the U.S. Census definition, Hispanic is an ethnic origin and not a race.15,504
Median age (Male): The Median Age of all Males from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Male Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older than the average age and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.42.2
Median age (Female): The Median Age of all Females from the 2020 Census for this geographic area. The Female Median Age is the actual average from the 2020 Census, not an estimate or future projection. Median Age is the average age of the population. Half of the population is older than the average age and the other half is younger. Gender is self-reported by individuals when asked about their sex at birth.44.7
Total Households: Total Number of Households from the 2020 U.S. Census for this geographic area. A Household includes everyone living in a residential housing unit. This includes families, roommates in a single residence, or a person living alone.271,890
Married-Couple Households: Total Married-Couple Households is based on the 2020 U.S. Census and is not an estimate. Under the U.S. Census Bureau definition, Married Couple Households refers to the count of households where the householder and his or her spouse are listed as members of the same household. It does include same-sex marriage households and the households themselves may also include other individuals, such as children or other relatives. 
Average Household Size for for Vermont: The Average Household Size, is obtained by dividing the number of people in Households (excluding those in group quarters, nursing home, prisons, and dorm rooms) by the number of Households. A Household includes everyone living in a residential unit. Those who do not live in a household are classified as living in group accommodation. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.27
Average family size of for Vermont: Average Family Size is calculated by dividing the number of people in a Family Household by the number of Family Households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family households as households consisting of two or more individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. They also may include other unrelated people. Non-family households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals. The Average Family Size only looks at the households classified as Family Households. This value is an estimate from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly.2.97
Total housing units for for Vermont: The total number of Housing Units is the number of occupied units + the number of vacant units. Ownership is defined by whether the unit is occupied by an owner or by a tenant. Owner occupancy means that the owner lives in the unit. This value comes from the 2020 U.S. Census and is not a projection or estimate.334,318