30 mile radius of 35201, Birmingham, AL
Quick Demographic Profile
Total Housing Units 452,030 MoreTotal Businesses 24,159 MoreTotal Households 409,338 More
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130 ZIP Codes within 30 miles of 35201: 78 Standard, 34 PO Box, and 18 Unique (Business)
Distance | Zip | City | County | St |
0.00 miles | 35231 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35219 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35202 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35201 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35232 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35260 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35253 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35220 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35246 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35282 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35259 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35288 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35249 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35283 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35261 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35296 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35291 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35236 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35287 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35298 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35292 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35290 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35294 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35293 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35255 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35295 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35266 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 0.00 miles | 35297 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.12 miles | 35270 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 0.30 miles | 35203 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 0.87 miles | 35233 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 1.01 miles | 35285 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 1.38 miles | 35234 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 1.89 miles | 35205 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 2.04 miles | 35222 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 2.27 miles | 35204 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 2.76 miles | 35238 | Birmingham [PO BOX] | Shelby | AL | 3.01 miles | 35254 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 3.59 miles | 35207 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 3.79 miles | 35213 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 3.89 miles | 35209 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 3.90 miles | 35212 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 3.91 miles | 35229 | Birmingham [UNIQUE] | Jefferson | AL | 4.52 miles | 35223 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 4.72 miles | 35208 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 5.40 miles | 35218 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 5.54 miles | 35211 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 6.09 miles | 35206 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 6.25 miles | 35243 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 6.42 miles | 35068 | Fultondale | Jefferson | AL | 6.51 miles | 35217 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 6.60 miles | 35214 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 6.98 miles | 35216 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 7.19 miles | 35221 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 7.73 miles | 35210 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 7.87 miles | 35064 | Fairfield | Jefferson | AL | 7.97 miles | 35228 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 8.19 miles | 35060 | Docena [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 8.20 miles | 35224 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 8.76 miles | 35226 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 8.91 miles | 35119 | New Castle [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 8.91 miles | 35142 | Shannon [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 8.97 miles | 35181 | Watson [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 9.85 miles | 35061 | Dolomite | Jefferson | AL | 10.12 miles | 35127 | Pleasant Grove | Jefferson | AL | 10.27 miles | 35036 | Brookside [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 10.34 miles | 35015 | Alton [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 10.38 miles | 35117 | Mount Olive | Jefferson | AL | 10.65 miles | 35215 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 10.85 miles | 35242 | Birmingham | Shelby | AL | 11.32 miles | 35235 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 11.54 miles | 35020 | Bessemer | Jefferson | AL | 11.75 miles | 35244 | Birmingham | Jefferson | AL | 12.03 miles | 35021 | Bessemer [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 12.09 miles | 35005 | Adamsville | Jefferson | AL | 12.54 miles | 35071 | Gardendale | Jefferson | AL | 12.96 miles | 35094 | Leeds | Jefferson | AL | 13.32 miles | 35073 | Graysville | Jefferson | AL | 13.91 miles | 35118 | Mulga | Jefferson | AL | 14.34 miles | 35116 | Morris | Jefferson | AL | 14.77 miles | 35124 | Pelham | Shelby | AL | 15.79 miles | 35173 | Trussville | Jefferson | AL | 15.81 miles | 35022 | Bessemer | Jefferson | AL | 16.00 miles | 35139 | Sayre [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 16.21 miles | 35043 | Chelsea | Shelby | AL | 16.33 miles | 35147 | Sterrett | Shelby | AL | 16.93 miles | 35126 | Pinson | Jefferson | AL | 16.97 miles | 35123 | Palmerdale [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 17.16 miles | 35048 | Clay [PO BOX] | Jefferson | AL | 17.18 miles | 35023 | Bessemer | Jefferson | AL | 17.77 miles | 35176 | Vandiver | Shelby | AL | 18.12 miles | 35091 | Kimberly | Jefferson | AL | 18.64 miles | 35004 | Moody | Saint Clair | AL | 19.42 miles | 35185 | Westover [PO BOX] | Shelby | AL | 19.46 miles | 35062 | Dora | Jefferson | AL | 19.96 miles | 35080 | Helena | Shelby | AL | 20.28 miles | 35180 | Warrior | Jefferson | AL | 20.87 miles | 35038 | Burnwell [PO BOX] | Walker | AL | 20.90 miles | 35007 | Alabaster | Shelby | AL | 21.01 miles | 35130 | Quinton | Walker | AL | 21.06 miles | 35137 | Saginaw [PO BOX] | Shelby | AL | 21.16 miles | 35114 | Alabaster | Shelby | AL | 21.45 miles | 35148 | Sumiton | Walker | AL | 21.62 miles | 35112 | Margaret [PO BOX] | Saint Clair | AL | 23.09 miles | 35111 | Mc Calla | Jefferson | AL | 23.18 miles | 35051 | Columbiana | Shelby | AL | 23.28 miles | 35052 | Cook Springs [PO BOX] | Saint Clair | AL | 23.85 miles | 35172 | Trafford | Jefferson | AL | 23.91 miles | 35063 | Empire | Walker | AL | 24.22 miles | 35078 | Harpersville | Shelby | AL | 24.29 miles | 35133 | Remlap | Blount | AL | 24.43 miles | 35178 | Vincent | Shelby | AL | 24.62 miles | 35186 | Wilsonville | Shelby | AL | 24.76 miles | 35006 | Adger | Jefferson | AL | 25.12 miles | 35550 | Cordova | Walker | AL | 25.56 miles | 35120 | Odenville | Saint Clair | AL | 26.21 miles | 35584 | Sipsey [PO BOX] | Walker | AL | 26.55 miles | 35128 | Pell City | Saint Clair | AL | 26.73 miles | 35560 | Goodsprings [PO BOX] | Walker | AL | 27.51 miles | 35146 | Springville | Saint Clair | AL | 27.60 miles | 35054 | Cropwell | Saint Clair | AL | 27.60 miles | 35074 | Green Pond [PO BOX] | Bibb | AL | 27.81 miles | 35440 | Abernant [PO BOX] | Tuscaloosa | AL | 27.99 miles | 35097 | Locust Fork | Blount | AL | 28.52 miles | 35079 | Hayden | Blount | AL | 28.74 miles | 35040 | Calera | Shelby | AL | 28.91 miles | 35115 | Montevallo | Shelby | AL | 29.31 miles | 35580 | Parrish | Walker | AL | 29.38 miles | 35444 | Brookwood | Tuscaloosa | AL | 29.96 miles | 35044 | Childersburg | Talladega | AL |
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Demographics for this Radius
Current Population: This field gives the estimated household population for this ZIP Code for March, 2025. This is derived from known delivery information, household occupancy rates, household size, and more to come up with an accurate estimation for the current population.
IMPORTANT: This does not include population totals for persons in nursing homes, correctional facilities, or other institutions. This is an estimation of the household population based on US Postal Service delivery information. |
1,111,107 |
2020 Population: Total Population from the 2020 Census. This reflects the exact population of the geographic region at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. It is intended to count all persons living within the geographic area, not just those present on the day of the census. |
1,030,356 |
Population Density: Population density is a measurement of population per unit of land area. In this case, the number is expressed in people per square mile. |
353.6 people per square mile |
Average Income: The Median Household income from the Census American Community Survey. |
$67,477 |
Households: Total estimated amount of households based on Census 2020 ZCTA. |
409,338 |
Average House Value: The Median house value from the Census American Community Survey. |
$218,674 |
Persons Per Household: Avg number of individuals per household. The avg number of individuals per household are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. |
2.89 |
Average Family Size: Average Family Size is calculated by dividing the number of people in a Family Household by the number of Family Households. The U.S. Census Bureau defines family households as households consisting of two or more individuals who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. They also may include other unrelated people. Non-family households consist of people who live alone or who share their residence with unrelated individuals. The Avg Family Size only looks at the households classified as Family Households. This value from the U.S. Census ACS (American Community Survey) and is updated yearly. |
3.82 |
Average Income per Household
Bar Chart showing Average Income per Household and comparing it to the city of , County, the State of , and the United States National Average. Load ChartSource: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS
Average House Value
Bar Chart showing Average House Value for the ZIP Code and comparing it to the city of , County, the State of , and the United States National Average. Load ChartSource: U.S. Census 2016-2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS
Other Demographics
# Residential Mailboxes: The number of active residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. |
443,157 |
# Business Mailboxes: The number of active business delivery mailboxes and centralized units. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. |
30,578 |
Total Delivery Receptacles: The total number of delivery receptacles. This includes curb side mailboxes, centralized units, PO Boxes, NDCBU, and contract boxes. This for Residential and Business combined. |
526,632 |
Single Family Delivery Units: Total of single family mail delivery receptacles; generally analogous to homes. |
358,932 |
Multi Family Delivery Units: Total of multifamily mail delivery receptacles; generally analogous to apartments. |
51,595 |
# of Businesses: The total number of Business Establishments. Taken from Business Census 2023. |
24,159 |
1st Quarter Payroll: The total payroll for the first quarter. Taken from Business Census 2023. |
$7,063,839,000 |
Annual Payroll: The total annual payroll. Taken from Business Census 2023. |
$27,465,233,000 |
# of Employees: The total number of employees. Taken from Business Census 2023. |
438,157 |
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* Demographic data requires a subscription to our Deluxe or Business database.