Zip Code Changes Historical Database
Track Changes in ZIP Codes Over Time!
Our Historical database contains over 80,000 precise data records for each month. The data includes EVERY ZIP code in the U.S.. You can download ANY single month for $139.95, or you can have access to EVERY month from 2004 to this year for $699.95. All historical data is from the most comprehensive version of our data available at the time we archived it.
- Low Price - Pay Less than other places
- Historical U.S. ZIP Code Data - Our data goes as far back as 2004
- Free Customer Service - Good For Entire Year
- Available in Different Formats - Save Conversion Time with Access, Excel, CSV, and SQL
- Many Zip Code Database Fields (Currently - 93) - Covers Most Business Needs
- Full Year of Access - Download any or all months for 1 Year
- Census Data - 2000 and 2010 Census Data in respective years
The Historical Database represents our most expensive version of our 5 digit database in effect at the time. We save our database each month and then it goes into the historical file a few months later.
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All Historical
Terms of Service | Terms of Service | Terms of Service | |
Download Sample | Download Sample | Download Sample | |
Only the Best For You: | |||
Immediate Download | |||
1 Year Subscription with Monthly Updates | |||
Microsoft® Access (.MDB) | |||
Microsoft® Excel (.XLS) | |||
Comma-Delimited (.CSV) | |||
SQL Data File (.SQL) | |||
Free Radius Finder Application | |||
100% Money Back Guarantee | |||
Free Technical Support | |||
Data from October, 2004 to September, 2024 | Single Month | ||
Redistribution Rights | |||
Data Fields & Columns: | |||
Zip Code 1 | |||
City 1 | |||
State 1 | |||
Primary County 1 | |||
Area Code 2 | |||
City Type 1 | |||
City Alias Abbreviation 1 | |||
City Alias Name 1 | |||
Latitude 2 | |||
Longitude 2 | |||
Time Zone 2 | |||
Elevation 3 | |||
State FIPS 1 | |||
County FIPS 1 | |||
Daylight Saving 2 | |||
Preferred Last Line Key 1 | |||
Classification Code 1 | |||
Multi County Flag 2 | |||
City Alias Code 2 | |||
Primary Record 2 | |||
Mixed Case City 1 | |||
Mixed Case City Alias 2 | |||
State ANSI Code 4 | |||
County ANSI Code 4 | |||
Facility Code 1 | |||
Unique ZIP Name 1 | |||
City Delivery Indicator 1 | |||
Carrier Route Sortation 1 | |||
Finance Number 1 | |||
City State Key 1 | |||
Population 5 | |||
Households per ZIP Code 5 | |||
White Population 5 | |||
Black Population 5 | |||
Hispanic Population 5 | |||
Asian Population 5 | |||
Hawaiian Population 5 | |||
Indian Population 5 | |||
Other Population 5 | |||
Male Population 5 | |||
Female Population 5 | |||
Persons per Household 5 | |||
Median Avg House Value 6 | |||
Median Income Per Household 6 | |||
MSA Code & Name 6 | |||
PMSA Code & Name 6 | |||
CSA Code & Name 6 | |||
CBSA Code & Name 6 | |||
CBSA Type 6 | |||
CBSA Division Code & Name 6 | |||
Region 6 | |||
Division 6 | |||
Mailing Name 1 | |||
All Counties 1 | |||
Median Age 5 | |||
Male Median Age 5 | |||
Female Median Age 5 | |||
# of Businesses 6 | |||
Q1 Payroll 6 | |||
Annual Payroll 6 | |||
# of Employees 6 | |||
Employment Flag 6 | |||
County Growth Rank 2 | |||
2010 Housing Units 2 | |||
2011 Housing Units 2 | |||
Number Increase in Units 2 | |||
% Increase in Units 2 | |||
CBSA Population 6 | |||
CBSA Division Pop. 6 | |||
117th Congressional District 1 | |||
117th Congressional Land Area 6 | |||
# Residential Mailboxes 1 | |||
# Business Mailboxes 1 | |||
Total Delivery Receptacles 1 | |||
Current Population 2 | |||
Multi County Data 2 | |||
Land & Water Area 6 | |||
Box Count 1 | |||
SFDU 1 | |||
MFDU 1 | |||
ZIP Intro Date 2 | |||
Alias Intro Date 2 | |||
SSA State County Code NEW! 7 | |||
Medicare CBSA Code NEW! 7 | |||
Medicare CBSA Name NEW! 7 | |||
Medicare CBSA Type NEW! 7 | |||
Market Rating Area ID NEW! 7 | |||
Single Month
All Historical
Download Sample Historical U.S. ZIP Code Database |
Download Sample Historical U.S. ZIP Code Database |
Download Sample Historical U.S. ZIP Code Database |
Single Month
All Historical
Terms of Service | Terms of Service | Terms of Service | |
Download Sample | Download Sample | Download Sample | |
Only the Best For You: | |||
Immediate Download :: As soon as your purchase of is complete and payment received, you will be able to download the ZIP Code Database immediately. | Included | Included | Included |
1 Year Subscription with Monthly Updates :: All purchases come with a 1 year subscription. You will get the ZIP Code Database immediately as well as 12 monthly updates. | Included | Included | Included |
Microsoft® Access (.MDB) :: All database versions can be downloaded in Microsoft Access .MDB format for immediate use. | Included | Included | Included |
Microsoft® Excel (.XLS) :: All database versions can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel .XLS format for immediate use. | Included | Included | Included |
Comma-Delimited (.CSV) :: All database versions can be downloaded in Comma Separated Values .CSV format for immediate use. | Included | Included | Included |
SQL Data File (.SQL) :: All database versions can be downloaded in MySQL and SQL Server .SQL format for immediate use. Also included are scripts to create the database tables for you as well. | Included | Included | Included |
Free Radius Finder Application :: With the same great features as our free Radius Search and more, the ZIP Code Radius Search Application lets you run as many searches as you like, right from your computer. FREE with the purchase of any of our Databases. |
Included | Included | Included |
100% Money Back Guarantee :: Our ZIP Code Database is the most accurate available and we back this up with our 100% Money Back Guarantee. | Included | Included | Included |
Free Technical Support :: There is a LOT of data in our ZIP Code Database, and it can be hard understanding some things at times. That's why we are always here and able to assist you in working with our databases, free! | Included | Included | Included |
Data from October, 2004 to September, 2024 :: All Historical Databases from October, 2004 to September, 2024 will be provided as separate downloads. | Single Month | Included | Included |
Redistribution Rights :: Rights to redistribute the data within your application. | Included | Included | Included |
Data Fields & Columns: | |||
ZIP Code :: 5 digit ZIP Code as designated by the United States Postal Service. U.S. Territories are also included in our ZIP Code Database (Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, etc.) 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
City :: The official city name as designated by the United States Postal Service. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
State :: U.S. two digit state code and State Full Name in separate columns. Sort on this field to get all your data grouped by state. [State Full Name currently not available in Standard version, only State Abbreviation.] 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Primary County :: The primary county or parish where the ZIP Code resides as defined by the USPS. As with any of our data fields, you can sort the data by this field and the result will be data grouped by county. For all counties that a ZIP Code may cover, see the All Counties in the Business ZIP Code Database version. 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Area Code :: Telephone Area Code(s) of the particular postal zone (ZIP Code). Sorting by this field will give you all the data grouped by area code. 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
City Type :: Describes the type of postal station in the 'City Alias' field: CODE DESCRIPTION B Branch C Community Post Office (CPO) N Non Postal Community Name P Post Office S Station U Urbanization X APO/FPO MIlitary Z P.O. Box 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
City Alias Abbreviation :: Abbreviation of city alias where applicable. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
City Alias Name :: The alias name for the ZIP Code. This may be a city name, town name, village name, postal entity, community or a municipality name. The city alias names are the reason why our ZIP Code Database has approximately 78,000+ records. There are approximately 41,000 U.S. ZIP Codes, but since we list each city alias within a ZIP Code, we end up with almost double the number of records. 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Latitude :: The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
Longitude :: The geographic coordinate of a point measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich (prime) meridian. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
Time ZoneTime Zone :: Time zone designation within the U.S. - the numbers 4-15 are assigned to the time zones. CODE DESCRIPTION 4 Atlantic (GMT -04:00) 5 Eastern (GMT -05:00) 6 Central (GMT -06:00) 7 Mountain (GMT -07:00) 8 Pacific (GMT -08:00) 9 Alaska (GMT -09:00) 10 Hawaii-Aleutian Islands (GMT -10:00) 11 American Samoa (GMT -11:00) 14 Guam (GMT +10:00) 15 Palau (GMT +9:00) 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
Elevation :: The elevation of this ZIP Code in feet. 3 | Included | Included | Included |
State FIPS :: Federal Information Processing Standards code given to each state or US territory. This code simply identifies each U.S. state or territory by its unique 2 digit code. 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
County FIPS :: Federal Information Processing Standards code given to counties or parishes. This code simply identifies each U.S. county by its unique 3 digit code. 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Daylight Saving :: Flag indicating whether the ZIP Code observes daylight saving. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
Preferred Last Line Key :: Links this record from the ZIP Code Database to other products offers such as the ZIP+4. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Classification Code :: The classification type of this ZIP Code. The ZIP Code Database contains 4 different types of ZIP Codes and each can have its own rules for mail delivery.. CODE DESCRIPTION 'Blank' = Non-Unique (Standard ZIP with many addresses assigned to it) M = APO/FPO Military ZIP Code (Military Post Office used for overseas military mail) P = PO Box ZIP Code (ZIP Code having only Post Office boxes) U = Unique ZIP Code (ZIP assigned to a single organization)">Classification Code 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Multi County Flag :: Flag indicating whether this ZIP Code crosses county lines. IMPORTANT: This does not show which counties this ZIP Code covers, it is simply a flag that indicates whether the ZIP Code falls into more than one county. If you need the actual counties that a particular ZIP Code falls into, you need to purchase the Business version of our database. 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
City Alias Code :: Code indicating the type of the city alias name for this record. Record can be Abbreviations, Universities, Government, and more. A = Abbreviation B = Business G = Government M1 = Military Base M1P = Military Base - Primary M2 = Military Non-Base M2P = Military Non-Base - Primary U = University UP = University - Primary Blank = Regular Non Abbreviated ZIP Code 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
Primary Record :: This column indicates the 'primary' city name within a given ZIP Code, as designated by the U.S. Postal Service. If you want to get only the 'unique' U.S. ZIP Codes, sort the data by this field. Your results will be all (approx.) 41,000 unique ZIP Codes and all will be designated with a 'P'. 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
Mixed Case City :: The city name of the ZIP Code in proper case. The USPS designates cities in all uppercase (i.e. NEW YORK). The Mixed case fields turns this into proper upper and lower case letters (i.e. New York). 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Mixed Case City Alias :: The city alias name of the ZIP Code in proper case. The USPS designates cities in all uppercase (i.e. NEW YORK). The Mixed case fields turns this into proper upper and lower case letters (i.e. New York). 2 | Included | Included | Included |
State ANSI Code :: ANSI code for the State this ZIP Code resides in. ANSI is the system that is replacing the FIPS system. 4 | Included | Included | Included |
County ANSI Code :: The type of locale identified in the city/state name. ANSI is the system that is replacing the FIPS system. 4 | Included | Included | Included |
Facility Code :: The type of locale identified in the city/state name. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Unique ZIP Name :: Field that specifies whether the City State Record contains the organization name for a unique ZIP Code. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
City Delivery Indicator :: Specifies whether or not a post office has city-delivery carrier routes. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Carrier Route Sortation :: Identifies where automation Carrier Route rates are available. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Finance Number :: A code assigned to Postal Service facilities. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
City State Key :: A value that uniquely identifies a city state name in City State product. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Population :: The population of the ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Households per ZIP Code :: Total estimated amount of households per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The households per zip numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
White Population :: The estimate of White population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The white population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Black Population :: The estimate of Black population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The black population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Hispanic Population :: The estimate of Hispanic population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The Hispanic population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Asian Population :: The estimate of Asian population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The Asian population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Hawaiian Population :: The estimate of Hawaiian or Pacific Islander population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The Hawaiian or Pacific Islander population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Indian Population :: The estimate of American Indian and Alaska Native population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The American Indian and Alaska Native population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Other Population :: The estimate population for all other races per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The other race population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Male Population :: The estimate of Male population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The Male population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Female Population :: The estimate of Female population per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The Female population numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Persons per Household :: Average number of individuals per household. The average number of individuals per household are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Median Avg House Value :: The Median average house value per ZIP Code based on Census American Community Survey. Sort by this field to get the top house values by ZIP Code. The Median average house value numbers are from the Census American Community Survey 2017-2021. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
Median Income Per Household :: The Median average household income per ZIP Code based on Census American Community Survey. Sort by this field to get all the top household incomes by ZIP Code. The Median average household income numbers are from the Census American Community Survey 2017-2021. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
MSA Code & Name :: Metropolitan Statistical Area. (no longer used by government - CBSA is the new standard) MSA's were replaced by CBSA's in the 90's. We keep the old MSA's in our database because some of our older customers have mapped their data by this information and it makes it easier for them if we leave the data in the database. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
PMSA Code & Name :: Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area. This is the area that the Census Bureau designates as the 'primary' area within a given msa. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
CSA Code & Name :: Core Statistical Area. This area is a group of MSA's combined into a population core area. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
CBSA Code & Name :: Core Based Statistical Area (replaces old MSA's). A Core Based Statistical Area is the official term for a functional region based around an urban center of at least 10,000 people, based on standards published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 2000. These standards are used to replace the definitions of metropolitan areas that were defined in 1990. A CBSA is broken into two sub categories, Metro and Micro, and are detailed in the CBSA Type Field. These are defined by their population densities. To be considered a Micro area, population must be between 10,000 and 50,000. To be considered a Metro area, population must exceed 50,000. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
CBSA Type :: Indication of whether a CBSA is Metro (over 50,000 population) or Micro (10,000 - 50,000 population). 6 | Included | Included | Included |
CBSA Division Code & Name :: Core Based Statistical Area Division name and number. A metropolitan statistical area containing an urbanized area of at least 2.5 million people can be subdivided into two or more 'metropolitan divisions', provided specified criteria are met. Metropolitan divisions are conceptually similar the primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSAs) defined under previous standards. These two fields field gives the sub-divided region name and number. 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
Region:: Census Division: A geographic area consisting of several States defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The States are grouped into four regions and nine divisions. See also: Division 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Division :: Census Division: A geographic area consisting of several States defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The States are grouped into four regions and nine divisions. See also: Region 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Mailing Name :: Yes or No (Y/N) flag indicating whether or not the USPS accepts this City Alias Name for mailing purposes. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
All Counties :: All Counties or parishes where the ZIP Code resides. As with any of our data fields, you can sort the data by this field and the result will be data grouped by county. 1 |
Included | Included | Included |
Median Age :: The Median Age for all people per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The median age numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Male Median Age :: The Median Age for all Males per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The median age numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
Female Median Age :: The Median Age for all Females per ZIP Code based on Census 2020 ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The median age numbers are not projected to the future, they are actual Census 2020 numbers. 8 |
Included | Included | Included |
# of Businesses :: The total number of Business Establishments for this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2021. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Q1 Payroll :: The total payroll for the first quarter this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2021. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Annual Payroll :: The total annual payroll for this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2021. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
# of Employees :: The total number of employees for this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2021. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Employment Flag :: Due to confidentiality, some areas do not have actual figures for employment information. Employment and payroll data are replaced by zeroes with the Employment Flag denoting employment size class. CODE EMPLOYMENT SIZE A 0 - 19 B 20 - 99 C 100 - 249 E 250 - 499 F 500 - 999 G 1,000 - 2,499 H 2,500 - 4,999 I 5,000 - 9,999 J 10,000 - 24,999 K 25,000 - 49,999 L 50,000 - 99,999 M 100,000 or more 6 |
Included | Included | Included |
County Growth Rank :: The rank in which this county is growing according to the US Census. Source: Housing Unit Estimates for the 100 Fastest Growing U.S. Counties. Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
2010 Housing Units :: The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2010. Source: Housing Unit Estimates for the 100 Fastest Growing U.S. Counties. Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
2011 Housing Units :: The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2011. Source: Housing Unit Estimates for the 100 Fastest Growing U.S. Counties. Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
Number Increase in Units :: The change in housing units from 2010 to 2011, expressed as a number. Source: Housing Unit Estimates for the 100 Fastest Growing U.S. Counties. Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
% Increase in Units :: The change in housing units from 2010 to 2011, expressed as a percentage. Source: Housing Unit Estimates for the 100 Fastest Growing U.S. Counties. Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
CBSA Population :: The population for the selected CBSA in 2010. Source: 2010 Census, U.S. Census Bureau. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
CBSA Division Pop. :: The population for the selected CBSA Divison in 2010. Source: 2010 Census, U.S. Census Bureau. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
118th Congressional District :: The 118th Congressional District comes from the Census for congressional districts of the 118th Congress. This field shows which districts the ZIP Code belongs to. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
118th Congressional Land Area :: This field provies the approximate land area covered by the District for which the ZIP Code belongs to. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
# Residential Mailboxes :: The number of active residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
# Business Mailboxes :: The number of active business delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Total Delivery Receptacles :: The total number of delivery receptacles for this ZIP Code. This includes curb side mailboxes, centralized units, PO Boxes, NDCBU, and contract boxes. This count is for Residential and Business combined. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
Current Population :: Exclusively from! This field gives the estimated household population for this ZIP Code for March, 2025. The estimate is derived from known delivery information, household occupancy rates, household size, and more to come up with an accurate estimation for the current population. IMPORTANT: This data does not inlcude population counts for persons in nursing homes, correctional facilities, or other institutions. This is an estimation of the household population based on US Postal Service delivery information. 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
Multi County Data :: The Business ZIP Code Database now comes with Multi-County Data. ZIP Codes are assigned by the US Postal Service and as such, do not follow State, County, or even City boundaries. Many ZIP Codes even cross county borders (about 25%). With the Business Database, you can now know every county a ZIP Code covers. The data is provided in a separate file (or separate table for our Access MDB users). This secondary file/table gives you every ZIP Code, as well as the State and County information that it falls into. Each ZIP Code that falls into more than one State/County will be listed in this table for each State and County it covers. In addition to this, we have added a 'Multi County Flag' column in all versions of our ZIP Code Database. This column will give a 'Y' indicating flag letting you know this ZIP Code is located in more than one county making it even easier to use. 2 |
Included | Included | Included |
Land & Water Area :: Two fields that show the approximate amount of land area and water area covered by this ZIP Code in Square Miles. 6 | Included | Included | Included |
Box Count :: Total count of PO Box deliveries in this ZIP Code. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
SFDU :: Total count of single family deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to homes. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
MFDU :: Total count of multifamily deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to apartments. 1 | Included | Included | Included |
ZIP Intro Date :: The date this ZIP Code was introduced into the ZIP Code Database. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
Alias Intro Date :: The date this City Alias was introduced for this ZIP Code. 2 | Included | Included | Included |
SSA State County Code :: The State County Code as set by the Social Security Administration for Medicare and Medicaid. NEW! 7 | Included | Included | Included |
Medicare CBSA Code :: The CBSA Code for this ZIP Code as set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. NEW! 7 | Included | Included | Included |
Medicare CBSA Name :: The CBSA Name for this ZIP Code as set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. NEW! 7 | Included | Included | Included |
Medicare CBSA Type :: The CBSA type for this ZIP Code as set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Metro or Micro. NEW! 7 | Included | Included | Included |
Market Rating Area ID :: The ID of the Insurance Market Rating Area as set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. NEW! 7 | Included | Included | Included |
Single Month
All Historical
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Download Sample Historical U.S. ZIP Code Database |
Download Sample Historical U.S. ZIP Code Database |
Our Historical ZIP Code Information

Our database contains all current data regarding ZIP codes, area codes, city name, alias city names, two digit state code, city type, county name,state FIPS, county FIPS, time zone, daylight savings indicator, primary record indicator, latitude, longitude, county elevation, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), MSA description name, Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA), Core Based Statistical Area codes (CBSA), Metro and Micro CBSA description name, and CBSA division. Our database also includes Census 2000 (2004-2010s releases) and 2010 (2010-2021) data for the United States, including population, households per zip code, average house value, average income per household, white population, black population, hispanic population information, currrent population, multi-county data, congressional districts, MFDU, SFDU, land area, water area and more.
Our historical databases contains over 78,000 precise data records. You can download the database for a full year. We give you the choice of 4 separate formats to download your zip code data.
Datasheer, LLC The Most Reliable Source For Historical ZIP Code Databases Since 2003
Are you investing significant time and resources to connect with prospective clients? Does it work? Are you putting so much effort into advertising and see no such desired result? Although you may be utilizing the appropriate platforms and strategies, it is possible that you are not maximizing their potential. Therefore, how can you effectively connect with local customers and assess the success of your initiatives? By utilizing a historical ZIP code database, you can accurately identify and engage your specific target market. Benefit from our extensive data, which dates back to 2004. Our Historical ZIP code database and see how you can reach more customers for your business.
Datasheer historical ZIP code databases are more than just numbers that help deliver mail. They serve as important data sources that can be utilized for a range of applications across various sectors. For instance, they assist companies in identifying target customers, conducting market analyses, enhancing logistics, and refining services. Our historical databases comprise more than 78,000 accurate data records. You have the option to download the database for an entire year. We offer you the flexibility to choose from four distinct formats for downloading your ZIP Code data.
Use our historical ZIP code database for managing and manipulating data. It offers a reliable and efficient resource and platform for storing, organizing, and retrieving data across various tables. Datasheet historical ZIP code database reputation is built on its dependability, scalability, and user-friendliness. All such things make our historical ZIP code database a popular choice among developers and businesses.
Get The Best Deals From A Reputable ZIP Code Database Service Provider.
We at Datasheer are a reputable ZIP code database service provider that offers the best deals, and packages for numerous clienteles. We are proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date Zip Code database. It's been built from the ground up using authoritative resources including the U.S. Postal Service. We are an authorized distributor of the USPS, exclusively providing our clients with currently active ZIP Codes. Other websites do not maintain the same high standards of data quality that we uphold.
Our historical ZIP code database serves a purpose beyond merely facilitating mail delivery. It represents a significant data resource that can be utilized across various industries for multiple applications. It assists businesses in targeting customers, generating market analyses, optimizing logistics, and enhancing service delivery and business leads. The historical ZIP code database package can leverage this invaluable data set for strategic advantage.
If you are interested in finding out how zip code targeting can work for your business, call us today at (845) 227-1502, or Email: With us, you can take advantage of the special offers to enjoy a luxurious and economical.
- U.S. Postal Service [Last Updated: 3/1/2025],
- Internal Data Creation [Last Updated: 3/1/2025],
- U.S. Geological Survey [Updated as needed],
- U.S. Census American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [Last Updated: 3/1/2025],
- U.S. Census 2010 [Decennial] [Last Updated: 1/1/2010],
- U.S. Census [Updated Yearly],
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [Updated Yearly],
- U.S. Census 2020 [Decennial] [Last Updated: 5/25/2023],