Zip Code Database List
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ZIP Code Database Comparison

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All ZIP CodesBDS
ZipCode 5 digit ZIP Code (USPS)
ClassificationCode Standard, PO Box, Military, or Unique classification code (USPS)
ZIPIntro The date this ZIP Code was introduced into the database (ZC)
Location & NamingBDS
Primary city name (USPS)
State 2 letter state name abbreviation (USPS)
County Name of Primary County or Parish this ZIP Code resides in (USPS)
MultiCounty Y/N Flag indicating whether this ZIP Code crosses county lines (ZC)
AreaCode The telephone area codes available in this ZIP Code (NANPA)
TimeZone Hours past Greenwich Time Zone this ZIP Code belongs to (ZC)
DayLightSaving Y/N Flag indicating whether this ZIP Code observes daylight savings (ZC)
StateFIPS 2 digit FIPS code for the State this ZIP Code resides in (USPS)
CountyFIPS 3 digit FIPS code for the Primary County/Parish (USPS)
StateANSI ANSI code for the State (ZC)
CountyANSI ANSI code for the Primary County/Parish (ZC)
CityAliasAbbreviation 13 Character abbreviation for the city alias name (USPS)
CityAliasName Alias name of the city if it exists (USPS)
CityAliasCode Code indicating type of the city alias [Abbreviation, University, Government, etc] (ZC)
AliasIntroDate The date this City Alias was introduced.
CityMixedCase The city name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters). (ZC)
CityAliasMixedCase The city alias name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters). (ZC)
CountyMixedCase The primary county name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters). (ZC)
PrimaryRecord Character ‘P’ denoting if this row is a Primary Record or not. (ZC)
MailingName Y/N flag indicating if the USPS accepts this City Alias Name for mailing purposes (USPS)
Coordinates & MappingBDS
Latitude The latitude of the ZIP Code (ZC)
Longitude The longitude of the ZIP Code (ZC)
Elevation The elevation, measured in feet (USGIS)
LandArea The land area covered by this ZIP Code in Square Miles (Census)
WaterArea The water area covered by this ZIP Code in Square Miles (Census)
USPS AssignmentsBDS
CityType Indicates the type of locale such as Post Office, Stations, or Branch (USPS)
PreferredLastLineKey Links this record with other products offers (USPS)
CityStateKey Links this record with other products offers such as the ZIP+4 (USPS)
FacilityCode The type of locale identified in the city/state name (USPS)
UniqueZIPName Field that specifies whether the City State Record contains the organization name for a unique ZIP Code (USPS)
CityDeliveryIndicator Specifies whether or not a post office has city-delivery carrier routes (USPS)
CarrierRouteRateSortation Identifies where automation Carrier Route rates are available (USPS)
FinanceNumber A code assigned to Postal Service facilities (USPS)
Population The population of the ZIP Code based on 2020 Census data (2020 Census)
WhitePopulation The White/Caucasian Population (2020 Census)
BlackPopulation The Black/African American Population (2020 Census)
HispanicPopulation The Hispanic Population (2020 Census)
AsianPopulation The Asian Population (2020 Census)
HawaiianPopulation The Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population (2020 Census)
IndianPopulation The American Indian and Alaska Native Population (2020 Census)
OtherPopulation The Population of all other races (2020 Census)
MalePopulation The Male Population (2020 Census)
FemalePopulation The Female Population (2020 Census)
PopulationEstimate An up to the month population estimate for this ZIP Code. (ZC)
HouseholdsPerZipcode The number of households (ACS)
PersonsPerHousehold The average number of persons per household (2020 Census)
AverageHouseValue The median house value (ACS)
IncomePerHousehold The median household income (ACS)
MedianAge The median age for all people (2020 Census)
MedianAgeMale The median age for all males (2020 Census)
MedianAgeFemale The median age for all females (2020 Census)
Statistical AreasBDS
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area code/number (OMB)
CBSA_Type Core Based Statistical Area Type (Metro or Micro) (OMB)
CBSA_Name Core Based Statistical Area Name or Title (OMB)
CBSA_DIV Core Based Statistical Area Division code/number (OMB)
CBSA_Div_Name The name of the CBSA Division (OMB)
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area code/number (OMB)
MSA_Name Metropolitan Statistical Area name (OMB)
PMSA Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area code/number (OMB)
PMSA_Name Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area name or Title (OMB)
CSA Combined Statistical Area code/number (OMB)
CSAName The name of the CSA this ZIP Code is in (OMB)
Region The Region of the United States this record resides in (ZC)
Division The Division of the United States this record resides in (ZC)
CBSAPopulation The population for the selected CBSA (2020 Census)
GrowthRank The rank in which this county is growing according to the US Census.
GrowingCountiesA The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2010.
GrowingCountiesB The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2011.
GrowthIncreaseNumber The change in housing units from 2003 to 2004, expressed as a number.
GrowthIncreasePercentage The change in housing units from 2003 to 2004, expressed as a percentage.
CBSADivisionPopulation The population for the selected CBSA Division (2020 Census)
Business DataBDS
NumberOfBusinesses The total number of Business Establishments (CBP)
NumberOfEmployees The total number of employees (CBP)
BusinessFirstQuarterPayroll The total payroll for the first quarter (CBP)
BusinessAnnualPayroll The total annual payroll in $1000 (CBP)
BusinessEmpolymentFlag Due to confidentiality, some areas do not have actual figures for employment information. Employment and payroll data are replaced by zeroes with the Employment Flag denoting employment size class (CBP)
Congressional DistrictsBDS
CongressionalDistrict This field shows which Congressional District(s) the ZIP Code belongs to (USPS)
CongressionalLandArea This field provides the approximate land area covered by the Congressional District(s) (Census)
DeliveryResidential The number of active residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. (USPS)
DeliveryBusiness The number of active business delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. This excludes PO Boxes and all other contract box types. (USPS)
DeliveryTotal The total number of delivery receptacles for this ZIP Code. This includes curb side mailboxes, centralized units, PO Boxes, NDCBU, and contract boxes. (USPS)
BoxCount Total count of PO Box deliveries in this ZIP Code. (USPS)
SFDU Total count of single family deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to homes. (USPS)
MFDU Total count of multifamily deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to apartments. (USPS)
Medicare AssignmentsBDS
SSAStateCountyCode The State County Code as set by the Social Security Administration for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS)
MedicareCBSACode The Medicare CBSA Code (CMS)
MedicareCBSAName The Medicare CBSA Name (CMS)
MedicareCBSAType The Medicare CBSA type. Metro or Micro (CMS)
MarketRatingAreaID The ID of the Insurance Market Rating Area (CMS)
Multi CountySupplemental FileBDS
ZipCode 5 digit ZIP Code (USPS)
StateFIPS 2 digit FIPS code for the State (USPS)
State 2 letter state name abbreviation (USPS)
CountyFIPS 3 digit FIPS code for the County/Parish/Borough (USPS)
County Name of the County/Parish/Borough (USPS)
CountyMixedCase The county name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters) (ZC)
Place FIPSSupplemental FileBDS
ZIPCODE 00000-99999 Five digit numeric ZIP Code of the area. (Census Places)
STATE Two character state abbreviation. (Census Places)
STATEFIPS 2 Digit FIPS code for the State. (Census Places)
PLACEFIPS 3 Digit FIPS code for the County this ZIP Code resides in. (Census Places)
PLACENAME Name of County or Parish this ZIP Code resides in. (Census Places)
OID_PLACE_20 OID of 2020 place (Census Places)
GEOID_PLACE_20 GEOID of the 2020 place (Census Places)
AREALAND_PLACE_20 Land area of 2020 place in square meters (Census Places)
AREAWATER_PLACE_20 Water area of 2020 place in square meters (Census Places)
MTFCC_PLACE_20 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 place (Census Places)
MTFCC_TEXT_PLACE_20 MAFTIGER feature class Text of 2020 place (Census Places)
CLASSFP_PLACE_20 FIPS class code of 2020 place (Census Places)
CLASSFP_TEXT_PLACE_20 FIPS class Text of 2020 place (Census Places)
FUNCSTAT_PLACE_20 Functional status code of 2020 place (Census Places)
FUNCSTAT_TEXT_PLACE_20 Functional status Text of 2020 place (Census Places)
AREALAND_PART Calculated Land area of the overlapping part in square meters (Census Places)
AREAWATER_PART Calculated Water area of the overlapping part in square meters (Census Places)
OID_ZCTA5_20 OID of 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
GEOID_ZCTA5_20 GEOID of the 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
NAMELSAD_ZCTA5_20 Name with translated Legal/Statistical Area Description of 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
AREALAND_ZCTA5_20 Total Land area of 2020 zcta5 in square meters (Census Places)
AREAWATER_ZCTA5_20 Total Water area of 2020 zcta5 in square meters (Census Places)
MTFCC_ZCTA5_20 MAFTIGER feature class code of 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
CLASSFP_ZCTA5_20 FIPS class code of 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
FUNCSTAT_ZCTA5_20 Functional status of 2020 zcta5 (Census Places)
Census American Community Survey (ACS)Supplemental FileBDS
Download Sample There are 524 Fields in the Census American Community Survey (ACS) Supplemental File covering topics such as Education, Households, Marital Status, Employment Status, Occupation, Housing Occupancy, Sex and Age, Race, and Voting Age. The ACS data is estimates only and is updated every year.
2020 CensusSupplemental FileBDS
Download Sample There are 161 Fields in the 2020 Census Supplemental File covering topics such as Population and breakouts, Age and Sex distribution, Race Composition, Hispanic or Latino Origin, Housing Units, Relationship to Householder, Education Attainment, and Median Income.
2010 CensusSupplemental FileBDS
Download Sample There are 186 Fields in the 2010 Census Supplemental File covering topics such as Population and breakouts, Age and Sex distribution, Race Composition, Hispanic or Latino Origin, Housing Units, and Relationship to Householder.

Portions of data provided by and © United States Postal Service 2025. is a non-exclusive licensee of the United States Postal Service.