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ZIP Code Boundaries Sample

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Includes these data formats:

  1. ESRI - Shapefile (.shp)
  2. Google Display - KML (.kml)
  3. DB Loadable - WKT (.txt)
  4. DB Loadable - MySQL™ (.sql)
  5. DB Loadable - SQL Server(.sql)
  6. DB Loadable - Post GIS (.sql)
  7. Comma Separated Values (.csv)

ZIP Code Boundaries Specifications

Field Name Data Type Description
geom** GEOMETRY Binary internal representation of geometry
WKT* TEXT “MULTIPOLYGON” label, followed by coordinate pairs to define polygon(s) (longitude, latitude)
ZIP Char(5) 5-digit ZIP Code
NAME VarChar(40) Postal town name, Primary
ZIPTYPE VarChar(20) The type of ZIP Code, per one of three types: NON_UNIQUE, PO_BOX, or UNIQUE
STATE Char(2) State abbreviation (see note #2 below)
STATEFIPS Char(2) State FIPS Code
COUNTYFIPS Char(3) County FIPS code
COUNTYNAME VarChar(60) County name
S3DZIP Char(3) 3-digit ZIP Code (the first 3 digits of the 5-digit ZIP Code)
LAT Decimal(12, 6) Latitude of ZIP Code Centroid
LON Decimal(12, 6) Longitude of ZIP Code Centroid
EMPTYCOL VarChar(5) Empty record
TOTRESCNT Integer Total count of residential deliveries in this route
MFDU Integer Total count of multifamily deliveries in this route; generally analogous to apartments
SFDU Integer Total count of single family deliveries in this route; generally analogous to homes
BOXCNT Integer Total count of PO Box deliveries in this route
BIZCNT Integer Total count of business deliveries in this route
RELVER VarChar(8) Release version (e.g. 1.11.1)
COLOR Integer Numeric value for colorization in a map, so that no two adjacent ZIP Codes have the same color

*WKT field only in WKT format file
**geom field only in MySQL™ and PostGIS formats

Note #1: For database loadable formats all field names will be lowercase
Note #2: In rare instances, ZIP Code boundaries can cross state borders, in which case the state recorded is where the ZIP Code centroid falls.