Area Code Database Technical Specifications

Database Technical Specifications


Field Name Data Type Description
NPAChar(3)Area Code (NPA = Numbering Plan Area)
NXXChar(3)Three digit local number prefix (X=2-9, X=0-9).Generally 201 thru 999.
CountyPopIntegerEstimated population to nearest 1000. This is a very rough estimate based on 1990 census data!
Zip Code CountIntegerApproximate population of the ZIP code.
Zip Code FreqIntegerPercent frequency of occurrence of this Zip Code in the NPANXX area.
If = 0, then unknown
If = -1, then the ZIP Code is the most frequent, but % unknown
If = -2, then the ZIP Code is the second most frequent, but % unknown
LatitudeDecimal(12, 8)Latitude of record for the central office
LongitudeDecimal(12, 8)Longitude of record for the central office
StateChar(2)Two letter USPS state abbreviation
CityVarChar(255)Popular or political name of city
CountyVarChar(255)Name of county
Time ZoneVarChar(255)Offset from GMT (5=East, 6=Central, 7=Mountain, 8=West, etc..)
Observes DSTVarChar(255)1 = Observes DST (Daylight Saving Time) during the normal DST observance period, 0 = Does not observe DST at all. Some areas of the country such as AZ (except for the Navajo Nation), HI, GU, PR, VI, and parts of IN do not observe DST.
NXX Use TypeVarChar(255)Primary use designation. L=Landline, W=Wireless (all wireless; pagers, cellular, PCS, etc.)
Note that some NXXs may be subdivided between landline and wireless. This is simply the reported type.
NXX Intro VersionVarChar(255)Version of this product that NXX first appeared.
ZipCodeVarChar(255)ZIP Code (United States) (five digits)
NPANewVarChar(255)New Area Code. During the permissive dialing period, the old area code map still be displayed in the "NPA" field. If blank, then there is no record (yet?) of a split. If non-blank, then associated NXX is freshly relocated to this new NPA and the NPA in the "NPA" field (above) would be the old one
FIPSVarChar(255)Census Bureau FIPS code (ID) for the tract of the central office
LATAVarChar(255)Local Access Transport Area
OverlayVarChar(255)1 = NPA recent overlay, blank = Not an overlay
RateCenterVarChar(255)Ten character Rate Center name for CO. Blank = Rate Center name unknown.
Switch CLLIVarChar(255)This field is now blank and will be removed in a future version of the database. The data will no longer be available.
MSA CBSAVarChar(255)Census Bureau Names for the metro area of the central office
MSA CBSA CodeVarChar(255)Census Bureau ID numbers for the metro area of the central office
OCNVarChar(255)Four-character alphanumeric field identifying the NPA-NXX code-holder and/or service provider.
CompanyVarChar(255)The company name.
Coverage Area NameVarChar(255)The name of the area this NPA-NXX Covers. This is primarily the city name but other Alias Names may be used.
NPANXXChar(6)The NPA and NXX combined.
FlagsVarChar(35)Any flags indicating specific things about this data record.
StatusVarChar(35)Indicates if this NPANXX is in active use ("Active" or "Inactive")
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