Field Name |
Data Type |
Description |
ZipCode | Char(5) | 00000-99999 Five digit numeric ZIP Code of the area. |
State | Char(2) | 2 letter state name abbreviation. |
State Full Name | VarChar(35) | The full US State Name. |
City | VarChar(35) | Name of the city as designated by the USPS. |
City Alias Name | VarChar(35) | Alias name of the city if it exists. |
County | VarChar(45) | Name of County or Parish this ZIP Code resides in. |
County Mixed Case | VarChar(45) | Name of County or Parish this ZIP Code resides in Upper and Lowercase letters. |
Area Code | VarChar(55) | The telephone area codes available in this ZIP Code. |
Latitude | Decimal(12, 6) | Geographic coordinate as a point measured in degrees north or south of the equator. |
Longitude | Decimal(12, 6) | Geographic coordinate as a point measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich Meridian. |
Elevation | Integer | The elevation of this ZIP Code in feet. |
CityType | Char(1) | Indicates the type of locale such as Post Office, Stations, or Branch. |
City Alias Abbreviation | VarChar(13) | 13 Character abbreviation for the city alias name. |
CountyFIPS | Char(5) | FIPS code for the County this ZIP Code resides in. |
StateFIPS | Char(2) | FIPS code for the State this ZIP Code resides in. |
TimeZone | Char(2) | Hours past Greenwich Time Zone this ZIP Code belongs to. |
Day Light Saving | Char(1) | Flag indicating whether this ZIP Code observes daylight savings. |
Classification Code | Char(1) | The classification type of this ZIP Code. |
Multi County | Char(1) | Flag indicating whether this ZIP Code crosses county lines. |
City Alias Code | VarChar(5) | Code indication the type of the city alias name for this record. Record can be Abbreviations, Universities, Government, and more. |
PrimaryRecord | Char(1) | Character 'P' denoting if this row is a Primary Record or not. Absence of character denotes a non-primary record. |
Households Per Zipcode | Integer | The estimated number of households of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Persons Per Household | Decimal(4, 2) | The estimated average number of persons per household of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Average House Value | Integer |
The median house value in the ZIP Code based on the latest American Community Survey (ACS) data from the U.S. Census. |
Income Per Household | Integer |
The median household per ZIP Code based on the latest American Community Survey (ACS) data from the U.S. Census. |
Population | Integer | The population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Current Population | Integer | This field gives the estimated household population for this ZIP Code for March, 2025. |
White Population | Integer | The estimated White/Caucasian Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Black Population | Integer | The estimated Black/African American Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Hispanic Population | Integer | The estimated Hispanic Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Asian Population | Integer | The estimated Asian Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Hawaiian Population | Integer | The estimated Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Indian Population | Integer | The estimated American Indian and Alaska Native Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Other Population | Integer | The estimated Population of all other races for the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Male Population |
Integer |
The estimated Male Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
Female Population | Integer |
The estimated Female Population of the ZIP Code based on 2010 Census data. |
MSA | VarChar(35) | Metropolitan Statistical Area number assigned by Census 2000. |
MSA_Name | VarChar(150) | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area name or Title. |
PMSA | Char(4) | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Number. |
PMSA_Name | VarChar(150) | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area name or Title. |
CSA | Char(3) | Core Statistical Area. This area is a group of MSA's combined into a population core area. |
CBSA | Char(5) | Core Based Statistical Area Number. |
CBSA_DIV | Char(5) | Core Based Statistical Area Division. |
CBSA_Type | Char(5) | Core Based Statistical Area Type (Metro or Micro). |
CBSA_Name | VarChar(150) | Core Based Statistical Area Name or Title. |
Region | VarChar(10) | 4 geographically grouped areas consisting of several States |
Division | VarChar(20) | 9 geographically grouped areas consisting of several States |
Mailing Name | Char(1) | Yes or No (Y/N) flag indicating whether or not the USPS accepts this City Alias Name for mailing purposes. |
Number Of Businesses |
Integer |
The total number of Business Establishments for this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2019. |
Number Of Employees |
Integer |
The total number of employees for this ZIP Code. Data taken from Business Census 2019. |
Business First Quarter Payroll |
Integer |
The total payroll for the first quarter this ZIP Code in $1000. Data taken from Business Census 2019. |
Business Annual Payroll |
Integer |
The total annual payroll for this ZIP Code in $1000. Data taken from Business Census 2019. |
Business Employment Flag |
Char(1) |
Employment flag indicating range of employment in protected classes. |
GrowthRank | Number | The rank in which this county is growing according to the US Census. |
GrowingCountyA | Integer | The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2003. |
GrowingCountyB | Integer | The estimated number of housing units in this county as of July 1, 2004. |
Growth Increase Number | Integer | The change in housing units from 2003 to 2004, expressed as a number. |
Growth Increase Percentage | Decimal(3, 1) | The change in housing units from 2003 to 2004, expressed as a percentage. |
CBSAPopulation | Integer | The estimated population for the selected CBSA in 2003. |
CBSADivision Population | Integer | The estimated population for the selected CBSA Division in 2003. |
Congressional District | VarChar(150) | This field shows which 110th Congressional Districts the ZIP Code belongs to. |
Congressional Land Area | VarChar(150) | This field provides the approximate land area covered by the Congressional District for which the ZIP Code belongs to. |
Delivery Residential | Integer | The # of active residential delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. |
Delivery Business | Integer | The # of active business delivery mailboxes and centralized units for this ZIP Code. |
DeliveryTotal | Integer | The total number of delivery receptacles for this ZIP Code. |
Median Age | Decimal(3, 1) | The median age for all people based on 2010 Census data. |
Median Age Male | Decimal(3, 1) | The median age for males based on 2010 Census data. |
Median Age Female | Decimal(3, 1) | The median age for females based on 2010 Census data. |
Preferred Last Line Key | VarChar(10) | Links this record with other products offers. |
CityStateKey | VarChar(10) | Links this record with other products offers such as the ZIP+4. |
LandArea | Decimal(12, 6) | Shows the approximate land area of this ZIP Code in square miles. |
WaterArea | Decimal(12, 6) | Shows the approximate water area of this ZIP Code in square miles. |
City Mixed Case | VarChar(35) | The city name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters). |
City Alias Mixed Case | VarChar(35) | The city alias name in mixed case (i.e. Not in all uppercase letters). |
BoxCount | Integer | Total count of PO Box deliveries in this ZIP Code |
SFDU | Integer | Total count of single family deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to homes. |
MFDU | Integer | Integer Total count of multifamily deliveries in this ZIP Code; generally analogous to apartments. |
StateANSI | VarChar(2) | ANSI code for the State this ZIP Code resides in. |
CountyANSI | VarChar(3) | ANSI code for the County/Parish this ZIP Code resides in.. |
ZIPIntro | VarChar(15) | The date this ZIP Code was introduced into the database. |
AliasIntro | VarChar(15) | The date this City Alias was introduced for this ZIP Code. |
FacilityCode | VarChar(1) | The type of locale identified in the city/state name. |
City Delivery Indicator | VarChar(1) | Specifies whether or not a post office has city-delivery carrier routes. |
Carrier Route Rate Sortation | VarChar(1) | Identifies where automation Carrier Route rates are available. |
Finance Number | VarChar(6) | A code assigned to Postal Service facilities. |
Unique ZIP Name | VarChar(1) | Field that specifies whether the City State Record contains the organization name for a unique ZIP Code. |